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Court 1811 NC Granville Dalby John Knight

Court case for John to recover 30 pounds from Knight

Source Text
State of N. Carolina Granville County } To any Lawfull officer to Execute & return within thirty Days sundays Excepted.
I Command you to take the body of Knight Dalby & him Cause to appear before some Justice of the Peace for said county to answer the Complaint of John Dalby for the nonpayment of thirty Pounds - Dew by a/c. Given under my hand and seal this 12th Day of April 1811.
   /s/ B. Knight (seal)
Summon for the Plaintiff
 Green Merrit

August 1808
Knight Dalby Dr.    John Dalby Virg Cur
to Cash Receivd of Green Merit for 2 Hogh Tobba--
at 21 / f fr. hundred L27:8:3 1/2

Cr. By Cash paid Randolf Miner L13:7:1 1/4
Cr. Ed Bullock 3:12:0
  L16:19:1 1/4
Ballance Dew L10:9:2 1/4
[further notations apparently having to do with payments and interest]

John Dalby vs. Knight Dalby. Executed by R. Minor } Judgment is granted against the Defendant for Seventeen pounds Eight Shillings & Seven pence three parthings debt & 10/. Cost.  Given under my hand & seal the 9th May 1811.
L17.8.7 3/4 debt
  .10.      cost
   /s/ Tho. B. Littlejohn J.P. (seal)
 From this Judgment the Defendant prays an appeal giving Nathaniel Robards Security.
Teste Tho. B. Littlejohn J.P.    /s/ Nathaniel Robards

State of North Carolina.
   To the Sheriff of Granvill County, greeting:
 We command you to summon Milly Henderson Flemming personally to appear before the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions now sitting for the County of Granville, at the Court House in Granville then and there to testify and the Truth to say, on Behalf of Knight Dalby in a certain Matter of Controversy depending and then and there to be tried between John Dalby Plaintiff, and Knight Dalby Defendant. And this you shall in no wise omit, under the Penalty prescribed by law. Witness Stephen Sneed, Clerk of the said Court, at Office, the 6th Day of August in the 35th Year of our Independence, Anno Domini 1811.
   /s/ Stephen Sneed, Clerk

State of North Carolina.
   To the Sheriff of Granvill County, greeting:
 We command you to summon Dick H. Dalby personally to appear before the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions now sitting for the County of Granville, at the Court House in Granville then and there to testify and the Truth to say, on Behalf of Knight Dalby in a certain Matter of Controversy depending and then and there to be tried between John Dalby Plaintiff, and Knight Dalby Defendant. And this you shall in no wise omit, under the Penalty prescribed by law. Witness Stephen Sneed, Clerk of the said Court, at Office, the 6th Day of August in the 35th Year of our Independence, Anno Domini 1811.
   /s/ Stephen Sneed, Clerk

Whereas a certain matter of controversy has been apending in the county Court of Granville Between John Dalby & Knight Dalby on an appeal from a warrant. And whereas the said parties having agreed to argue it to -----. And both parties being present, --- award as follows: That the aforesaid Knight Dalby shall pay to the Plaintiff John Dalby Ten pounds Eight shillings & nine pence with costs. Given under our hands & seals 19th day August 1811.
   /s/ Thomas Webb (seal)
   /s/ Jeremiah Bullock (seal)
   /s/ R. C----- (seal)